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The Data Protection Officer Handbook (Engels)

  • IB&P
  • Versie def
  • Download(s) 121
  • Bestandsomvang 2.09 MB
  • Bijgewerkt op 30 augustus 2019

This Handbook was prepared for and is used in the EU-funded “T4DATA” training-of-trainers programme. Part I explains the history and development of European data protection law and provides an overview of European data protection instruments including the Council of Europe Convention and its "Modernisation" and the various EU data protection instruments relating to Justice and Home Affairs, the CFSP and the EU institutions, before focusing on the GDPR in Part II. The final part (Part III) consists of detailed practical advice on the various tasks of the Data Protection Officer now institutionalised by the GDPR. Although produced for the T4DATA programme that focusses on DPOs in the public sector, it is hoped that the Handbook will be useful also to anyone else interested in the application of the GDPR, including DPOs in the private sector. It is made publicly available under a "Creative Commons" (CC) License.


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