Handreiking DPIA’s
Op deze (Engelse) pagina van het Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) vind je een handreiking om Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA’s) uit te voeren. Ook vind je via de pagina een handreiking voor de AVG. Met deze handreikingen kun je problemen rond privacy en informatiebeveiliging in een vroeg stadium voorkomen. Handig!
These pages sit alongside our Guide to the GDPR and provide more detailed guidance for UK organisations on Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) under the GDPR. They replace our previous code of practice on conducting privacy impact assessments.
DPIAs are a tool to help you identify and minimise the data protection risks of new projects. They are part of your accountability obligations under the GDPR, and an integral part of the ‘data protection by default and by design’ approach.
An effective DPIA helps you to identify and fix problems at an early stage, demonstrate compliance with your data protection obligations, meet individuals’ expectations of privacy and help avoid reputational damage which might otherwise occur. In some cases the GDPR says you must carry out a DPIA, but they can be a useful tool in other cases too.
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